Good governance and modern international financial institutions. Joao miguel serigado soares da costa md locations bronx. Jan 01, 2002 soares book on grounding paperback january 1, 2002 by soares author 3. Biliana cicinsain, president, global ocean forum, professor of marine policy, university of delaware.
Exclusive interview with the uns top legal figure miguel. Enos according to the 1900 census was born 1858, came to the us in 1882 at age 18 sic and worked as a day laborer and sharecropper in the tauntonrehoboth area. Notwithstanding progress made in some areas to further gender equality, we cannot be complacent. Biography of miguel serpa soares miguel serpa soares was appointed the undersecretarygeneral for legal affairs and united nations legal counsel in september 20. See the complete profile on linkedin and discover miguel. Serpa soares holds a degree licenciatura in law from the faculty of law of the university of lisbon 1990, where he also served as assistant lecturer from 1989 to. Mp soares, y lin, j anrather, e csizmadia, k takigami, k sato, st grey. Michael lodge, secretarygeneral, international seabed authority ms. A s far as legal jobs go, they dont come any bigger or more. Best sellers mobiles amazon pay pantry new releases computers customer service books gift ideas sell baby amazonbasics. Gender mainstreaming is not just about achieving equality in numbers.
The ocean conference 59 june 2017 partnership dialogue. Aguiloseara is a psychiatrist in jeffersonville, pennsylvania and is affiliated with one hospital. Miguel soares braga, 1970 e um artista plastico portugues pioneiro dos novos media. Save our seas by hutchings, claire geographical, vol. Heloisa p soares albuquerque nm, hematologyoncology. He is a retired neurosurgeon and neuroscientist, medical editor and author, medical historian and medical ethicist.
He oversees the office of legal affairs, the overall objectives of which are to provide a. Broadway, grand junction, co 81503 tel 970 2414541 email. Rua doutor miguel souza soares, fragata pelotas rs cep. He oversees the office of legal affairs, the overall objectives of which are to provide a unified central legal service for the united nations. Inscrivezvous sur facebook pour communiquer avec miguel soares et dautres personnes. Miguel serpa soares director of the legal department. He replaced patricia o brien of ireland to whom the secretarygeneral is deeply grateful for her tireless. Miguel serras pereiras most popular book is the call of the wild. He specializes in pain medicine anesthesiology, pain medicine, and more. Heloisa p soares, md, is a hematologyoncology specialist in albuquerque, new mexico. He was appointed to this position by united nations secretarygeneral ban kimoon on 7 august 20. Miguel torga has 88 books on goodreads with 8731 ratings.
Join facebook to connect with miguel soares and others you may know. Serpa graduated from the universidad central del este uce in 1988. Kindle ereaders free kindle reading apps kindle ebooks kindle unlimited prime reading deals on kindle ebooks best sellers. He develops his work as spokesperson, press officer, social media manager, internal publications and intranet platforms coordinator, amongst others. If you are reading this message, probably, your browser is not compliant with the standards. Joao miguel serigado soares da costa has the following 1 specialties internal medicine an internist is a physician who focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the adult populationboth acute and chronic. Books by miguel serras pereira author of os versos satanicos. Undersecretarygeneral for legal affairs and united nations legal counsel, united nations. Soares book on grounding paperback january 1, 2002 by soares author 3.
These doctors are often who adults see as their primary physicians because they treat a broad range of illnesses. He is a member of the portuguese bar since 1993, title. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, in my capacity as special adviser on oceans and legal matters to. Miguel serras pereira has 149 books on goodreads with 8300 ratings. Commissioned by boutros boutros ghali, then secretarygeneral of the united nations, the 43member iwco is headed by mario soares, former president and prime minister of portugal. Good governance and modern international financial.
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